What is Fat Chicken Farm?
We are a small, diversified farm in Embarrass, MN that specializes in growing good food for good people. Our free-range poultry enjoy plenty of sun and fresh air, while our honeybees pollinate the field crops and hoophouses filled with heirloom-variety vegetables. We use only organic growing practices, with no harmful chemicals or synthetic fertilizers of any kind. All the food that comes off the farm is delicious and healthy -- from juicy heirloom tomatoes to crisp, sweet snap peas and lettuce to dream about. We are proud to be an active member of the community, as well -- find our products at the Tower Farmers Market every Friday from 4-6 p.m. during the summer, at Natural Harvest Food Co-op in Virginia, or have it delivered to your door this year with the 2022 Food Share season getting ready to begin! Contact the farm for more details!

Each week, a basket filled with the freshest veggies around can be delivered to your door

We grow many varieties of heirloom tomatoes

We grow 'em big around here. Boys and broccoli.

It's hard to describe how good this sweet, buttery head of heirloom lettuce tastes.

Summer sunflowers attract honeybees and other pollinators to the fields

Heirlooms, heirlooms, heirlooms!

Collecting eggs on a summer day

The hoophouses grow lush and full during the summer