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How to get your hands on some good food

There are plenty of ways to find Fat Chicken Farm produce. During the summer growing season we set up at the Tower Farmers Market every Friday from 4-6 p.m. Or sign up for a weekly or every-other week delivery with our food share program, or visit Natural Harvest Food Co-op in Virginia for fresh kale, lettuce, chard, cucumbers, and more!



One of the most popular and easiest ways of having a steady supply of the freshest, healthiest produce is to sign up for a weekly or every-other week delivery of Fat Chicken Farm produce. 


The food share program is a partnership between farmer and good-food lovers: we agree to deliver a basket of seasonal veggies and fruits to your doorstep, and you agree to share in the farm's success, and occasional crop disaster. It's an arrangement that helps ensure the farm succeeds, and means each food share customer gets their portion of the best produce as it ripens. It also means if a hailstorm takes out the spinach crop, no one gets spinach for the week.


The seasonal parade of produce generally begins in late May with head lettuce, salad mix, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, herbs, bok choy and more. Mid-season baskets add on cucumbers, snap peas, green beans, carrots, summer squash and more. The end of summer and early fall means ripe tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes, and more!

Farmers Markets


The Tower Farmers Market is located next to the historic train depot on Highway 169 in Tower. The market runs from 4-6 p.m. on Fridays from early June through September. Vendors sell produce, fresh bread, baked goods, handmade soaps and lots more.


You'll find Fat Chicken Farm at the Tower Market, as well as our farming partners and foodie buddies Karl's Bread and Bear Creek Acres.

Many of our food share customers in the Tower and Ely area meet us for a food share pickup at the Tower Market; you can, too!

How we grow it all

Fat Chicken Farm uses season extension tools to make the most of our very short growing season. We grow many crops in three large high tunnels. These let us get a jump on spring planting, as well as letting heat-loving crops like tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers thrive no matter how cool the Embarrass summers are.


We take care of our precious farm soil -- we use no-till methods, and we don't drive a tractor over the fields. All our fertilizer comes from the horse farm down the road, and we leave plenty of flowers to benefit native pollinators as well as our own bees.

Fat Chicken Farm         6362 Taylor Road, Embarrass, MN  55732       (218) 749-2186

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